Three new 'executive homes' could be built on the outskirts of a town.

A developer named in council papers as D Green has applied for planning permission to build on land off London Road, in Downham Market.

A planning statement says they would be two storey properties, with garages and parking.

READ MORE: Go-ahead for eight new homes on former factory site in Downham Market

READ MORE: New homes planned near centre of Downham Market

It adds the site, near the A1122 bypass, has space for "large plots". Some trees would be removed from the site and a fish pond would be partially filled in.

A new pond would be added to the site and managed for wildlife.

An ecological survey said the development will have "an overall neutral impact" upon habitats, badgers, great crested newts, nesting birds, reptiles and hedgehog and a neutral–minor positive impact upon bats.

Planning permission has been granted for 300 homes on land off Denver Hill, to the east of the site.