The loss of a beloved pet who had been nursed back to health after adoption has been eased after an unlikely furry friendship.

Many city folk were touched by the story of Bo, the elderly dog who was found in such bad condition that he had maggots in his paws.  

Bo was rescued by NR3 animal lover Aly Wyatt, 36, who was determined to let him live out his remaining years as a happy and free dog after previous abuse and neglect.  

Eastern Daily Press: Bo died on his 16th birthday, it was quick and painless after spending eight gloriously happy months with Alys Bo died on his 16th birthday, it was quick and painless after spending eight gloriously happy months with Alys (Image: Alys Wyatt)

Alys said: “Bo died two months ago, it was the day of his 16th birthday, making him much older than we first thought - it was quick and painless.  

READ MORE: Dog with maggots in his paws nursed back to health

“I never thought I would recover from the heartache left after Bo died, but five days later I was asked to look after Juniper, an eight-year-old bloodhound who had only known a life of hunting and breeding.” 

Eastern Daily Press: Alys Wyatt rescues lots of neglected animals and has utterly fallen in love with Juniper Alys Wyatt rescues lots of neglected animals and has utterly fallen in love with Juniper (Image: Alys Wyatt)

Alys jumped at the chance to give Juniper the life she truly deserved, but she was in a mess when she arrived at the NR3 home.  

Alys said: "She was underweight, she had horrible eye infections, she had nasty ear infections too.  

Eastern Daily Press: Juniper has some health issues but as she is coming to the end of her life, Alys is determined to make her as happy as possible Juniper has some health issues but as she is coming to the end of her life, Alys is determined to make her as happy as possible (Image: Alys Wyatt)

“She has numerous growths all over her body - particularly in her mammoth tissue. She is also covered in old pressure sore scars and has callouses on all her joints where she’s licked and gnawed at herself for years because of arthritis.” 

READ MORE: There's a wallaby on the loose! Beloved pet Sheila makes a break for freedom

Juniper has gained 5kg but still needs to gain another 5kg to be healthy.  

Eastern Daily Press: Despite their obvious and large size difference Mabel and Juniper love to snuggle on the sofa together Despite their obvious and large size difference Mabel and Juniper love to snuggle on the sofa together (Image: Alys Wyatt)

Alys added: “It never gets easier with neglect cases.” 

READ MORE: Rose the Highland cow SAVED from slaughter by defiant city animal lover

But Juniper has never been happier and has even made the most unlikely - and much smaller - best friend.  

Mabel is a 13-year-old Chihuahua who also lives with Alys, and the old girls love nothing more than snuggling on the sofa.  

Eastern Daily Press: Since being in NR3 Juniper has become like a puppy and is described as a 'goofball' Since being in NR3 Juniper has become like a puppy and is described as a 'goofball' (Image: Alys Wyatt)

Alys said: “Juniper likes to clean Mabel, much to her dismay!" 

Juniper is now eight years old. With bloodhounds not having very long lives it means she is slowing down, but Alys is determined to make her last years the best yet.  

Eastern Daily Press: Juniper has made the most unlikely best friend in Mabel, a 13 year old Chihuahua Juniper has made the most unlikely best friend in Mabel, a 13 year old Chihuahua (Image: Alys Wyatt)