A Norwich teenager has been banned from contacting members of a far-right group and attending all LGBQT+ events.

Kai Stephens, 19, has appeared at Norwich Magistrates’ Court accused of two charges of harassment.

He is also facing charges of sending communications containing indecent or offensive messages.

District Judge David Wilson agreed to adjourn the case until November 24 after being told a significant amount of messages and information relating to the charges had still to be extracted from his mobile phone. 

Gina Mattioli, for Stephens, said the information was required as it “may contradict the allegations”.

Stephens, of Bullard Road, was told bail conditions prevented him from contacting members of Patriotic Alternative and attending any lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender events.

Last year far right group Patriotic Alternative staged a protest outside the Forum in Norwich over a planned story time event held by a drag queen claiming they were "protecting the minds" of children.

The group also sparked complaints after a campaign dropping leaflets containing a mixture of anti-migrant and anti-vaccination sentiments through letterboxes in areas of the city.