Efforts to catch up with the rest of the country's 5G capabilities have hit another snag in Norwich after plans for a mast were withdrawn following strong criticism. 

The proposals would have seen the 65ft pole installed on private land just off Hall Road, near St Mark's Church in Lakenham.

Eastern Daily Press: A 5G mastA 5G mast (Image: Newsquest.)

However, after receiving 40 public objections, the application has been withdrawn.

"This eyesore is too close to homes and would spoil local views," one person told the city council. 

Eastern Daily Press: The plans would have seen a 5G mast constructed just off Hall Road The plans would have seen a 5G mast constructed just off Hall Road (Image: Google Maps)

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"It will be obtrusive, ugly and incongruous with the surrounding character and appearance of the area.

"And its associated equipment cabinets would clutter and degrade the look and feel of the area and attract unsightly graffiti."

The mast is the latest 5G application to run into problems in the city - with plans for a Cornerstone mast at Mousehold Heath thrown out earlier this month over fears that it would block a popular city viewpoint.

Eastern Daily Press: Designs for the proposed 5G mastDesigns for the proposed 5G mast (Image: Norwich City Council)

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5G is the fifth generation of mobile internet which provides much faster digital download and upload speeds. 

Concerns over the health impact of masts have been refuted by multiple authorities, including the World Health Organisation.

"This installation is far too big," argued another homeowner. 

"Especially considering its proximity to St Mark's church, which is Grade II listed.

"The modern style of the pole is totally incongruous with the ancient church next door and will tower over it."

Eastern Daily Press: Hall RoadHall Road (Image: Google Maps)

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Local businesses also wrote to the city council to voice their concerns over the application, with one claiming there had been a "significant lack of consultation" during the planning process.

"The landowner was not given the opportunity to suggest an alternative location or rationale for the proposal," they argued. 

"The development would disrupt emergency access to the builders' yard from Hall Road.

"And it is too close to a Grade II listed church and mature trees in the churchyard."