A man found with a bread knife when police were called to an intruder at a Norwich home has been given a suspended jail sentence. 

Wayne Gould, 33, was arrested at Holmes Close in Heartsease after a search discovered the large knife hidden in his trousers.

Police had been responding to a call that an unknown man had entered the property on September 7 last year. 

Norwich Magistrates’ Court heard Gould, of St Helena Way, Horsford, had been drinking with his girlfriend and two friends at the time and had put the knife in his pocket after making toast. 

He pleaded guilty to possession of a bladed article. 

READ MORE: Norwich station knifeman escapes mandatory jail sentence

Julie Adams, mitigating, said: “He cannot explain why he put the knife in his pocket. He was intoxicated and made a foolish decision but at no point did he take it out or brandish it.”

Magistrates sentenced him to four months in prison, suspended for 12 months, and ordered he pay costs of £299.

"This court takes carrying a blade extremely seriously, even if you believe you had a legitimate reason," they told him.