A man who groomed and sexually assaulted a teenage girl who helped out at the Christian hotel he ran on the Norfolk coast has been jailed for almost a decade.

Charles Buxton, 71, was manager of The Pleasaunce, in Overstrand, when his victim, who cannot be identified, was asked to carry out some roles at the site.

Jailing him for nine and a half years, Judge Andrew Shaw described Buxton as a 'Jekyll and Hyde' character.

He said his role in charge of The Pleasaunce,  a Grade II* property offering Christian retreats, had given him a "veneer of respectability", but that there was "absolutely nothing Christian about what you were doing to someone else's child".

Under Buxton, the venue relied heavily on young volunteers.

Eastern Daily Press: The Pleasaunce at Overstrand near CromerThe Pleasaunce at Overstrand near Cromer (Image: Newsquest)Norwich Crown Court heard Buxton had groomed his victim and hidden his sexual offending "in plain sight".

He had met his victim and her family in Cromer, near to his hotel, and she had started helping out at the venue.

The court was told Buxton became increasingly "flirtatious" with his victim, buying her chocolates and sweets, before moving on to cigarettes and alcohol.

Lori Tucker, prosecuting, said things began to "ramp up a bit" with Buxton saying he "wished she was his daughter".

Buxton gained her ‘trust’ through buying her things and making her think she was in love with him before carrying out sexual activity with her.

She said Buxton kissed her before making her perform a sex act on him.

Mrs Tucker said they had sex "wherever they could" although "she was but 15".

The offences happened while the victim was 14 and 15. The court heard she contacted police several years later, in 2019.

Eastern Daily Press: Charles BuxtonCharles Buxton (Image: Norfolk Constabulary)

In her statement, which the victim read out in court, she described the impact of the abuse.

“Years have passed, chapters of my life written, my face and body have changed, my family has grown," she said.

"The wounds of my childhood still open and weep, impacting my life in so many ways. I have suffered with my mental health since the abuse started and still now, it is a constant battle.

"You took away my voice, you blurred the lines of love, stole my innocence and did it all hidden in plain sight from the world.”

She said "the most damaging thing he did was making me think I loved him".

Eastern Daily Press: Judge Andrew ShawJudge Andrew Shaw (Image: Newsquest)

Buxton, of Berkshire, appeared at court on Wednesday (Sept 13) having admitted two counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. 

Although others, including his own family, spoke of him in "glowing" terms Judge Shaw said that while he appeared to them to be Dr Jekyll "behind closed doors he was Mr Hyde".

Matthew Gowen, mitigating, said Buxton, a man with no previous convictions,  had "deep regret about what happened all those years ago" and insisted there was "no suggestion of any similar offending" since.

Buxton was also made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order (SHPO) indefinitely and also out on the sex offenders register, also indefinitely. 

The Pleasaunce is a Grade II* listed mansion designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens for Lord and Lady Battersea between 1888 and 1902.

Frequent visitors included Queen Alexandra, her sister the Dowager Empress of Russia, Princess Louise and several British Prime Ministers.

It is now run as a Christian holiday centre. A spokesman declined to comment.