Four Norfolk locations will feature in the second episode of a new six-part series exploring the county. 

The Channel Five series, narrated by Bill Nighy, features locals living and working across both Norfolk and Suffolk. 

The next episode, airing at 8pm on Wednesday, September 13, will begin in Sheringham.

Eastern Daily Press:  Poppy Drury and Joe Hanks, shepherds at Shimpling Farm in Suffolk, will feature in the episode Poppy Drury and Joe Hanks, shepherds at Shimpling Farm in Suffolk, will feature in the episode (Image: Paramount)

Viewers will meet lifeboat man Chris Taylor as he explores Norfolk's Great Barrier Reef, the 22-mile-long chalk ridge between Cromer and Sheringham. 

The reef makes the north Norfolk coast one of the best places for seafood in the country, and the episode will also feature chef Scott Dougal, the owner of Wells Crab House

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Mr Dougal will be picking fresh crab for the lunchtime rush at his restaurant in the coastal town.

Staying in Wells, the episode takes viewers down to the harbour where the lifeboat Lucy Lavers waits to take tourists on trips. 

Eastern Daily Press: Scott Dougal, one of the owners of Wells Crab HouseScott Dougal, one of the owners of Wells Crab House (Image: Archant 2022)

The boat, built in the 1930s, is one of the last remaining lifeboats that helped rescue troops from the beaches of Dunkirk in 1940. 

Also featured in the episode is Gorleston Golf Club where the first big meeting of the season is taking place.

Further inland at Wroxham, viewers are taken onboard the trial run for the greenest steam train in the world. 

Nighy, who narrates the episode, is one of the UK's most famous actors and has starred in hit films such as Love Actually and Pirates of the Caribbean.

The episode will also feature two locations in Suffolk - Shimpling Farm in Lawshall and St Peter and St Pauls Church in Lavenham.