Plans to demolish stables and build a four-bedroom house have been turned down.

A developer named in planning papers as Mrs Stewart applied for planning permission for a two-storey property on land at Tydd St Giles, near Wisbech.

But Fenland council refused them, because the proposals would harm "the existing distinctiveness and open character of the area".

READ MORE: Go-ahead for new village shop, post office and takeaway at Tydd St Giles

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A design and access statement said the development, off Hockland Road, would deliver "much needed new housing" would not cause unacceptable harm.

A planning officer's report said it would result in the loss of a paddock.

It added 14 objections had been received, with concerns including backfill development and lack of local amenities.

Tydd St Giles Parish Council said: "The Council does not support backfill development at this location and does not wish to set a precedent for further development."