A man has received a suspended jail sentence after being caught with more than 200 cannabis plants in his car that he planned to grow in Thetford Forest.

Tomas Rumbinas, 37, was found to have hundreds of immature plants when stopped by police on the A1101 near Outwell in March 2020.

Norwich Crown Court heard in total 211 plants were found in two separate packages during a search of his car after officers were alerted by their pungent aroma. 

Eastern Daily Press: Tomas Rumbinas was given a suspended sentence at Norwich Crown CourtTomas Rumbinas was given a suspended sentence at Norwich Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

Prosecuting Danielle O’Donovan said a subsequent search of his home on St Albans Way in Thetford uncovered “significant quantities” of cannabis bagged up including packages weighing 267 grams. 

READ MORE: Man who had 3kg of cannabis in car was in custody battle

Almost £11,000 in £50 notes was also discovered inside a safe and a further £1,620 in cash was found inside his home, she added.

She said: “In his interview with police he claimed he had been collecting the plants for someone else. In essence, he was less than forthcoming.”

Eastern Daily Press: More than 200 cannabis plants were found in the car of Tomas Rumbinas More than 200 cannabis plants were found in the car of Tomas Rumbinas (Image: Newsquest)

Rumbinas, who appeared in court with the help of a Lithuanian interpreter, initially denied the offences but later pleaded guilty to being concerned in the production of cannabis, intent to supply and possession of the class B drug.

Two further proceeds of crime charges will lie on file after prosecutors had opted not to pursue them, the court was told. 

Adrian Rohard, mitigating, said Rumbinas earned a living buying and selling cars but had a large quantity of cash as he had inherited land in Lithuania that he rented out to farmers. 

READ MORE: Police found men behind 'hidden door' by cannabis factory

Eastern Daily Press: Rumbinas was told his plan to grow cannabis in Thetford Forest was 'foolhardy'Rumbinas was told his plan to grow cannabis in Thetford Forest was 'foolhardy' (Image: Newsquest)

Sentencing him to 22 weeks imprisonment suspended for 18 months, Recorder Michael Turner said: “At the time of your offending you were clearly addicted and a heavy user of cannabis. 

“You attempted to embark on a foolhardy scheme to grow plants in Thetford Forest which was bound to fail.”

He ordered he complete 50 hours unpaid work and 20 rehabilitation days and pay fines and costs totalling £1,650.