MPs have called on supermarkets to support East Anglia's farmers and food producers by making it easier for online shoppers to "buy British".

More than 100 politicians have signed a letter to retailers, urging them to highlight homegrown food and drink by including a "buy British" section on their online shopping pages.

The signatories include Central Suffolk and North Ipswich MP Dr Dan Poulter, who said this would encourage customers to identify and choose seasonal local produce, while supporting local farmers. 

He added such support would be vital in a year when farmers face an expensive harvest after the hottest June on record and a wet July which delayed field operations and added grain drying costs on top of the high prices for fuel, fertiliser and energy.

Eastern Daily Press: Supermarkets have been urged to help online shoppers back British farmers after an expensive, rain-affected 2023 harvestSupermarkets have been urged to help online shoppers back British farmers after an expensive, rain-affected 2023 harvest (Image: Chris Hill)

"I’m pleased to have played a key role in co-ordinating this important initiative," said Dr Poulter.

"I talk to farmers in Suffolk regularly, and they tell me time and again the best way we can support them is to simply 'buy British'.  

"I know the people of Central Suffolk and North Ipswich want to back our local farmers and food producers and they want to understand more about where their food comes from and how it is produced.

"This simple change on a webpage helps to ensure home grown food is easily identifiable and something I wholeheartedly support."

Minette Batters, president of the National Farmers' Union (NFU), welcomed the campaign.

She said: "We have been asking retailers to commit to signposting British produce for a number of years, so it’s great to see MPs and their constituents getting behind the idea of a ‘Buy British' tab online.

"We know from our own independent survey that 86% of the public want to buy more British food, but it is often tricky to determine what products are produced in the UK and this simple change would help the shoppers do that."