Proposals for a shipping container at an Indian restaurant have failed to curry favour with council planners.

Jalshad Ali has been refused planning permission to site the container beside the Northgate Indian Restaurant, at the junction of Northgate and Cliff Parade in Hunstanton.

His application said it was for "the storage of chattels pertaining to the general running of the restaurant".

But council conservation officer Jane Forder who was consulted over the proposal said although it was of modern design, the restaurant stands in a conservation area close to several listed buildings.

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"It is therefore a sensitive location," she said. "The views from the side of this building, down towards the sea along Cliff Terrace are also important and are typical of the views around the town down to the sea and the views beyond.

"This type and form of development is therefore unacceptable in this location and it will cause some harm to the setting of the conservation area and the nearby heritage assets."

Hunstanton Town Council also objected, because the proposals were not in keeping with the conservation area.