A new vintage collective is launching a shop in Norwich. 

The collaboration between five vintage sellers in the city, called NR Closet, will open on September 8 in St Augustines Street. 

Laura Budds, the owner of the popular shop Norfolk Retro, came up with the idea for the collective after noticing a lack of vintage clothing sellers outside of the city centre. 

Eastern Daily Press: Laura Budds, who owns Norfolk Retro, founded the collectiveLaura Budds, who owns Norfolk Retro, founded the collective (Image: Laura Budds)

She said: "There's not really anything like this, clothing-wise, this side of the city.

"It's important to keep moving in retail, we're trying to keep things fresh and keep it interesting for people."

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Ms Budds wanted to establish a permanent home for vintage clothing in NR3 after observing the success of pop-up shops throughout the city. 

The 41-year-old has enlisted the help of sellers Reloved Studio, Wild Daisy Vintage, Ninety Three Store, and Jubilique to form NR Closet. 

She hopes that the shop will be a permanent home for vintage clothing in the area.