Organisers of a seaside tennis tournament have warned parents the ball is in their court when it comes to ensuring their teenagers behave.

Last year's Hunstanton Lawn Tennis Tournament was marred by anti-social behaviour off the courts, as young people gathered in large numbers in surrounding villages.

Villagers at nearby Brancaster said they were under siege from drunken teenagers during the week-long event.

This year's tournament, which begins on Sunday, August 20, is expected to draw up to 1,000 players to the resort.

Eastern Daily Press: Hunstanton Tennis Tournament is expected to draw 1,000 players to the resortHunstanton Tennis Tournament is expected to draw 1,000 players to the resort (Image: Matthew Usher)

In a statement posted on its website, organisers have asked them to behave.

It says: "The committee would like to bring your attention to the fact that the LTA (Lawn Tennis Association) code of conduct also applies to unacceptable behaviour that has occurred in the past, and did occur last year, in the villages along the coast particularly in Brancaster and Thornham and in some rented properties. 

"On at least two nights, a gathering of up to around 300 teenagers, ranging in age from 12 to 18, gathered unsupervised at the playing fields in these villages, some with alcohol which led to some very unacceptable behaviour that brought the reputation of our tournament into disrepute."

It adds parents should ensure they are always fully responsible for their children and their actions.

Eastern Daily Press: Extra police will be drafted in for Hunstanton tennis weekExtra police will be drafted in for Hunstanton tennis week (Image: Ian Burt)

It goes on: "It is imperative that the tournament, competitors and their families consider the wellbeing of local residents who have had to suffer the effects and aftereffects of these gatherings when things do get out of control." 

Organisers say not of those involved in last year's disorder were tennis players. They believe some attended gatherings after they were advertised on social media.

Police plan extra patrols of the area during this year's tournament.

Officers will use dispersal orders and powers to confiscate alcohol to target offenders, while stores will also be warned about underage alcohol sales.