A drug dealer arrested over crack and heroin supply just weeks after being handed a suspended sentence has been jailed.

Kane Haynes, 24, was spared an immediate jail term when he was sentenced at Cambridge Crown Court on September 3 2021 for his part in a violent attack in which a man was stabbed. 

But just three weeks into a 20-month suspended sentence he was arrested for being involved in peddling class A drugs in King’s Lynn.  

Appearing via video link from prison, Haynes, of Miller Way in Peterborough, spoke only to confirm his name as he was sentenced at Norwich Crown Court.

READ MORE: King's Lynn dealer and her partner ran £20k drugs operation

He had previously pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and the supply of diamorphine, known as street heroin.

He also admitted breaching bail by failing to attend a previous hearing. 

Eleanor Marsh, mitigating, said he was “extremely remorseful” and that at the time he had run up large debts and was “not in a good place”.

Recorder John Hardy jailed him for two and a half years including six months relating to his previous suspended sentence.