A neighbourhood plan which details the future of four villages in East Suffolk has been formally adopted by a district council.

The plan for Shadingfield, Sotterley, Willingham and Ellough has been formally adopted by East Suffolk Council. 

The Shadingfield, Sotterley, Willingham and Ellough Neighbourhood Plan was adopted at a full council meeting on 28 June.

Neighbourhood plans give communities the opportunity to shape development within their local areas.

They are based on extensive public consultation to ensure that residents have their say on how development will take place. 

Eastern Daily Press: The Waveney Harriers in the ring in front of the Hall at the Sotterley Country FairThe Waveney Harriers in the ring in front of the Hall at the Sotterley Country Fair (Image: Denise Bradley)

Cllr Kay Yule, East Suffolk’s cabinet member for planning and coastal management, said: “Neighbourhood planning gives residents the opportunity to get directly involved in shaping their local areas, determining the location of any new development, and providing guidance for how new buildings should look.

"Through the hard work of these communities, this newly adopted plan will now be required to be used by anyone making or deciding a planning application in this area.”