A teenager from Norfolk died during a holiday with friends after a moped crash left him with severe chest injuries. 

Felix Young, of Manor Road in North Wootton, near King’s Lynn, had been enjoying a summer break on the small island of Spétsai in the Greek region of Attica.

At an inquest into his death, the court in Norwich heard that he was staying at a friend’s family villa as part of a group of eight. 

Some of the group decided to hire mopeds, which were delivered by a company on Monday, September 5, 2022.

To hire the vehicles, individuals were required to pass a brief safety test that saw them ride to the end of the road, turn around, and ride back again. 

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The inquest, held at Norfolk Coroner’s Court, was told how the 50cc mopeds, capped at 30mph, were the typical mode of transport on the island and were often ridden without safety helmets. 

Mr Young, who had ridden a moped no more than twice before, passed the company’s test and went for a ride for around 30 minutes on the same day. 

The following day, on Tuesday, September 6, the group decided to ride to the beach. 

The senior coroner for Norfolk, Jacqueline Lake, said: “[During the ride] he pulled out to the left and started to overtake the rider in front of him and was alongside her when he lost balance, wobbled, and fell off. 

“Another rider, a man, came round the bend and rode into Felix, hitting him in the rib and chest area. 

“At first he was responsive but unable to speak. 

“His condition deteriorated, and a paramedic declared him dead at the scene.” 

Ms Lake recorded a conclusion of “death due to a road traffic accident”. The medical cause was given as “chest injuries due to road accident”.