A self-declared 'anti-woke' councillor has been criticised in a report for a series of "misogynistic" attacks on a political rival, including a remark about her being beheaded.

Richard Shepherd, a former policeman and member of Sheringham Town Council (STC), has been ordered to apologise to Liz Withington over a string of comments he made about her in public and on social media.

This includes describing a support group set up by Ms Withington, a Liberal Democrat who has since stepped down from STC, for people hosting Ukrainian refugees as "woke".

In another incident, he posted on Facebook under a picture of Baconsthorpe Castle, the remark: “Photo of the Bloody Tower where Libs (one in particular!) may be beheaded.” 

Eastern Daily Press: Mr Shepherd's Facebook postMr Shepherd's Facebook post (Image: FACEBOOK)

While he did not specifically name anyone, the report into his behaviour said that Mr Shepherd “does not appear to dispute” that he was referring to Ms Withington in the post.

Mr Shepherd, who was a Conservative at the time of the comments but has since been expelled, told officials he had been exercising his free speech in criticising Ms Withington and the 'beheading' comment was clearly a joke.

He added:  “I’m not of the woke school of thought so if anyone were to believe my comment then something is wrong with this country. Please note the exclamation marks normally denoting humour.” 

The investigation was launched by the Liberal Democrat-controlled North Norfolk District Council - which oversees the parishes in its area - following complaints from Ms Withington, who is still an NNDC councillor, and a member of the public, Paula Prince, who was also targeted.

Mr Shepherd, who was born in 1942, was found to have led a sustained attack on Ms Withington over a number of years, using “repeated, sustained and violent language,” while the beheading comment was considered “borderline inciting others to act”. 

Eastern Daily Press: Former north Norfolk district councillor Richard Shepherd (Image: Nicholas Manthorpe 2011)Former north Norfolk district councillor Richard Shepherd (Image: Nicholas Manthorpe 2011) (Image: Nicholas Manthorpe 2011)

In addition to that incident, four other allegations were brought against Mr Shepherd. These were that:

  • On two occasions he encouraged a member of the public in a hairdresser to make code of conduct and police complaints against Ms Withington in an attempt to remove her as a councillor. He is alleged to have said, “Get rid of (redacted) that bloody woman as councillor”. 
  • He posted negative comments about a support group, Hosting Ukrainian Group Support (HUGS), created by Ms Withington and Ms Prince, including one branding it “woke”.
  • He suggested on social media that weedkiller had been thrown on his lawn in a political attack without evidence.
  • He posted about changes to parking and double yellow lines where he said Ms Withington was “imposing daft ideas”. She had not been involved in the changes.

The report found he had breached the code of conduct in each instance and concluded his behaviour was "misogynistic".

It was discussed at a recent meeting of NNDC's standards committee.

Eastern Daily Press: Liz WithingtonLiz Withington (Image: Supplied)

Ms Withington told the hearing there had been a sustained campaign against her for several years.

"He fails to recognise that his behaviour is abusive, harassing, misogynistic and bullying and from what you have seen today he still shows no remorse and concern for that fact," she added.

“His sole aim since 2019 has been to try to prevent me from being either elected or from fulfilling my role once I was elected. He has brought STC into disrepute. It’s having an impact on our local democracy.”

She said his actions led to people abusing her in the street and claimed she was unable to enter Sheringham for several months in 2020.

She also described how stickers saying "Withington resign", with pictures of a gargoyle on them, had been posted around the town, including on Mr Shepherd’s window.

Eastern Daily Press: Printed 'gargoyle' stickers calling for depury mayor Liz Withington's resignation have been put up on Sheringham buildings and bus shelters. (Supplied)Printed 'gargoyle' stickers calling for depury mayor Liz Withington's resignation have been put up on Sheringham buildings and bus shelters. (Supplied) (Image: Archant)

While it is not known who created the stickers, Ms Withington told the committee that when the police visited Mr Shepherd about his sticker, he claimed he could not remove it because “Loki, the god of mischief, had put it there”.

Ms Prince, who set up HUGS with Ms Withington, said the group was attacked as soon as it was established and branded his actions as “upsetting and belittling to all our volunteers”. 

She added she was particularly concerned by the beheading comment because she works with vulnerable people who may take it on board and follow through with it. 

Mr Shepherd, who was in the Royal Navy before joining Norfolk Constabulary where he worked for 16 years before retiring in 1998, was previously an NNDC councillor and served as its chairman.

He did not attend the hearing, saying he had a hospital appointment and the “best thing to do is to continue without me”.

A council officer set out the defence he had made earlier in the process.

She said he had apologised if he had upset Ms Prince’s feelings but seemed to offer none for Ms Withington. 

Eastern Daily Press: Harry Blathwayt, chair of the standards committeeHarry Blathwayt, chair of the standards committee (Image: NNDC)

Harry Blathwayt, chairman of the committee, said: “The subject member’s conduct shows evidence of victimisation of a particular individual who is repeatedly named. 

“There is repeated sustained and violent language, the beheading comment is borderline inciting others to act.

"Whilst it is understood that there is the right of freedom of speech what is said goes beyond common decency and is abusive in tone. 

“Calls for beheadings as well as referring to councillor Whittington as 'that Bloody woman' is not acceptable and is derogatory.” 

He added that as a retired police officer, he should have known better, especially in the light of recent attacks on members of parliament, including the murders of MPs David Amess and Jo Cox.


What has the committee recommended? 

Finding against Mr Shepherd, the committee made five recommendations.

Eastern Daily Press: Richard Shepherd in 2017Richard Shepherd in 2017 (Image: Karen Bethell/Newsquest)

These are: 

  • A report of the findings be presented to Sheringham Town Council.
  • A formal censure be issued, proclaiming the disapproval of his conduct.  
  • That an apology be made to Ms Withington and Ms Prince at the next town council meeting that he attends. 
  • That he be required to undertake and complete training as follows:  Standards training (Code of Conduct); training relating to bullying and harassment; social media training; and equality and diversity training.
  • To not be appointed to any external groups by STC until the training is complete. 

An STC spokeswoman said the council has received the report and it will be discussed at the next full council meeting.

What has the Conservative Party said? 

While Mr Shepherd is no longer a member of the party, he was while some of the comments were made, including the ‘beheading’ Facebook post. 

Helen Eales, the North Norfolk Conservative group chairwoman, said it had expelled him immediately after he made the post. 

She said: “We told him he can’t be a member of the party, we did that immediately. I went round his house straight away to ask him to hand in his resignation. 

“His post didn’t reflect our views in any way whatsoever.” 

What has Ms Withington said since the verdict?

Speaking after the decision, Ms Withington said: "This decision and the strong sanctions identified against councillor Shepherd recognise the need to express strongly that this behaviour is to not be condoned in local political parties and by local leaders.

"I welcome these recommended actions as I hope this will end what has been a traumatic and difficult time for my family, friends and colleagues for nearly three years."

Mr Shepherd was approached for comment but was unavailable.