A Cambridge University graduate has been appointed headteacher of a brand new primary school near Norwich.

Carmel Greene is set to take on the headship of the new primary school currently being built in Cringleford, which is due to open next year.

Her appointment has been announced by the Inspiration Trust this week, which has been chosen to run the new school.

Eastern Daily Press: Carmel Greene, new Cringleford headteacher. Picture: Inspiration TrustCarmel Greene, new Cringleford headteacher. Picture: Inspiration Trust (Image: Inspiration Trust)

Ms Greene said: "I am committed to developing curious, capable and confident children who value and enjoy their time at school, and who leave us with a breadth and depth of knowledge of the world and themselves.

"With two young boys myself, I understand the trust that parents place in us as educators and I view this as a huge privilege."

Ms Greene began her career as a geography teacher, having studied the subject at the University of Cambridge.

She currently works as a director of the Inspiration Trust's teaching school hub.

Construction work has already started on the new school, which is planned to welcome its first cohort of pupils in September 2024.