A student who attacked four young women after being snubbed in a Norwich nightclub has been jailed.

Oskar Paget, 22, who is in his second year of studies at the University of East Anglia, punched one woman to the floor unconscious.

Norwich Magistrates Court heard the attack happened after his repeated advances had been rebuffed by one of the women, who are also students.

When her friends tried to intervene he punched, slapped and threw items in a sustained violent attack at The Loft nightclub on December 2 last year.

Prosecutors said a further confrontation occurred outside the club on Rose Lane where one of the victims was hit in the face and another was struck causing her to fall to the floor hitting her head on the ground.

READ MORE: Norwich thug guilty of attack that almost killed victim

In a statement the woman who was knocked unconscious said the attack had “changed her life”.

“It was very frightening and distressing for me and my friends who had to see me lying drifting in and out of consciousness,” she said.

She said it had resulted from Paget “inappropriately constantly touching me” and not knowing “the meaning of consent or the word no”.

Another said the attack had left her “traumatised” and had badly affected her university studies. “I didn’t know this man or what he was capable of,” she added.

Eastern Daily Press: UEA student Oskar Paget was jailed for eight weeks at Norwich Magistrates CourtUEA student Oskar Paget was jailed for eight weeks at Norwich Magistrates Court (Image: Newsquest)

Paget had previously pleaded guilty to four counts of assault.

James Burrows, mitigating, said: “He is absolutely aghast at his behaviour. It came from nowhere and he has never been in trouble before.

“He accepts what he did was totally unacceptable and he carries the remorse for it with him.”

Magistrates said the victims had been vulnerable young women enjoying a night out and that the attack had been prolonged.

Saying only immediate custody was suitable they jailed Paget for 18 weeks.

He was also told to pay compensation totalling £450 and made subject of restraining orders banning him from contacting the women for three years.