An appeal has been launched to find more hosts to join hundreds of Norfolk households which threw open their homes to families and people seeking sanctuary from war-torn Ukraine.

With the war having entered its second year, some of those who were housed in Norfolk through the Homes for Ukraine scheme need to move for employment or because children have moved schools.

That has prompted Norfolk County Council to urge new hosts to come forward to join the 800 households which have already offered homes to those affected by Russia's invasion.

People can register their interest at

Mary Middlehurst, 67, who lives in East Wretham, near Thetford, has hosted a family since April last year.

READ MORE: Families from the Ukraine are still seeking homes in Norfolk

She and her husband Robert welcomed Alya Poltoratska, 40, her sons Tymolfi, 17 and Makar, 14 and Ayla's sister Lys into their home.

READ MORE: £150m fund aims to help Ukrainians into their own homes

While Lys has returned to Ukraine, the other members of the family are still living with the Middlehursts, with Tymolfi now taking his GCSEs.

Mrs Middlehurst said: "Because we had a large house, we felt we couldn't just sit by and watch what was happening in Ukraine on the television.

"And the family we have welcomed into our home have been absolutely delightful. It's been really rewarding, especially with the children and their schools. I've found myself getting involved in parents' evenings again.

"You get to help people in real need and see that you are making a difference to their lives - I'm so glad that I signed up.

"But I would say that it's important for families who want to do this to realise that it is not about you.

"People need to go into it understanding that it's about supporting these people who need our help."

Hosts get a £500 monthly thank you payment, along with support from Norfolk County Council with safeguarding and accommodation checks.

The council also conducts welfare visits and offers support when guests are ready to move on.