Urinary incontinence affects millions of people in the UK, limiting their confidence and impacting on their life. But a new, non-invasive treatment offered in Cambridgeshire can bring freedom to sufferers.

You wouldn’t think that sitting in a special chair for just under 30 minutes would help to improve urinary incontinence. But Freedom For You offers a treatment which can do just that.

All those awful embarrassing leaks, journey planning and sleepless nights spent on trips to the toilet can be a thing of the past thanks to a new treatment for male and female urinary incontinence that’s now available in Cambridgeshire.

The EMSella Chair uses high-intensity focused magnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate the motor neurons that control the pelvic floor muscles. The chair can activate the pelvic floor muscle tissue, restore firmness, improve elasticity, strengthen the muscle, fight off incontinence, urine leakage, dripping, lower abdomen protrusion and so much more.

Eastern Daily Press: The EMSella Chair uses high-intensity focused magnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate the motor neurons that control the pelvic floor musclesThe EMSella Chair uses high-intensity focused magnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate the motor neurons that control the pelvic floor muscles (Image: Freedom For You)

Freedom For You is the only clinic offering the treatment in the East of England and is based in a quiet and discreet location.

As it is a medical procedure, Freedom For You is overseen by Dr Claire Slade, who runs Hemel Chiropractic Clinic in Hemel Hempstead. The treatments are delivered by a team of technicians, including Sue, who, like many women following childbirth and as she got older, was a sufferer herself.

What started as a very small dribble of urine when exerting herself, over the years just got worse and worse, and then Sue found herself in and out of bed to go to the toilet all night too.

She tried taking tablets from the GP and was even given botox injections in her urethra, but neither worked. As a last resort, Sue was put forward for vaginal mesh surgery. Thankfully, it didn’t go ahead. The procedure was banned before the surgery could happen, due to many women suffering complications caused by the mesh.

Sue then discovered the EMSella Chair. “I had stress and urge urinary incontinence,” she explains. “From the very first treatment using the chair, something happened. I only got out of bed once that night, when before I was up 3-4 times nightly.

“Now I can also go five or six hours in the day before needing to use the toilet, and I can wear a slim pantyliner rather than a thick pad. I wished this treatment was available to me when I first showed the signs of urinary incontinence.”

Sue says treatment using the EMSella Chair is a great option for women or men of any age who are looking for a non-invasive solution for urinary incontinence and want to improve their quality of life.

“After a course of treatments, you can say goodbye to ‘whoops!’ moments, have fewer nighttime visits to the bathroom and can go on longer car journeys,” she says.

“Now is the time to take it in hand and live your life to the full.”

Here, Sue answers some common questions about the treatment:

What is urinary incontinence?

“Urinary incontinence is defined as an involuntary leakage of urine. It may be embarrassing but it’s something millions of people suffer with, and often in silence,” says Sue, adding that it’s often the result of weak pelvic floor muscles, which play an important role in controlling the muscle around the bladder.

What types of incontinence are there?

There are three different types of urinary incontinence:

  • Stress: When there is exerted pressure on the bladder causing leakage by coughing, laughing, sneezing, lifting and exercising.
  • Urge: The sudden urge to urinate frequently and hurriedly.
  • Mixed stress and urge: A combination of both stress and urge incontinence.

Who is likely to suffer from urinary incontinence?

Both men and women can suffer urinary incontinence.

“Women can find their pelvic floor muscles lose some strength after childbirth and menopause and hysterectomy, while men’s can be affected by prostate cancer, stress and infections,” explains Sue.

Freedom For You also offer a mummy makeover treatment for new mums wanting to get back pre-birth condition.

The treatment is also helpful to men suffering erectile dysfunction.

How does the EMSella Chair work?

It offers targeted and accelerated muscle stimulation to the pelvic floor area, improving the neuromuscular links between the brain and the bladder, which helps reduce the symptoms of urinary incontinence.

The pelvic floor muscles are triggered to tighten, delivering 11,000 kegel contractions as you sit and relax within the 28-minute treatment.

What does the treatment involve?

“You will remain fully clothed during the treatment. There’s no downtime, pain or discomfort, you simply sit, relax, and even read a book,” says Sue.

A course of six treatments over three weeks is advised. The benefits of the treatment continue when treatment stops, but an annual follow up is recommended.

If you’re suffering from urinary incontinence and are interested in the treatment, then don’t delay and enquire today. The first 10 people who contact Freedom For You and mention this article will receive a discount off the cost of a six-treatment course.

To make an appointment, call Freedom For You on 07825 597625 / 01354 677505. For more details, visit the facebook page

Please note, this treatment is not suitable if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have a pacemaker, metal pins or plates or a contraceptive coil. Vaginal piercings must be removed before treatment.