Almost a thousand criminals in Norfolk received punishment without their offences going to court over a three month period, figures have revealed.

Police issued 888 out of court disposals between November 2022 and January 2023 including 283 cautions being issued to adult offenders and 14 youth cautions. 

In addition, 492 offences were dealt with through community resolutions and 19 through conditional cautions. On 70 occasions offences were dealt with by being taken in consideration when other crimes were being dealt. 

In the same period neighbouring force Suffolk dealt with 650 offences through out of court disposals.

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The latest figures were released by Norfolk and Suffolk Constabulary’s Out of Court Disposal Scrutiny Panel which independently monitors punishments to ensure they meet national standards following concerns about their inappropriate use.

At its recent meeting, the panel examined four Norfolk cases and found three were consistent with guidelines.

The panel sought further information about why a youth caution had been issued in another case rather than a community punishment, but deemed it had been an appropriate response.