A 200-year-old mill is opening its doors again for the first time in five years.

Old Buckenham Windmill closed in 2018 for emergency safety repairs and then stayed shut during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Grade II listed property has the largest diameter tower in England.

It was once owned by the Colman family and is now operated by Norfolk Windmills Trust.

This weekend, visitors will be able to climb the tower in a tour of the mill and see the repair work done over the last five years.

There will also be hot drinks and homemade cakes on offer.

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A spokesman for the event said: "With almost five years having passed since the mill was closed to the public, some major building works and some very active wildlife calling the mill home, there was quite a lot to clear.

"But we look forward to welcoming people back to the mill at the weekend."

Old Buckenham Windmill will open this Sunday, May 21, from 1pm to 4pm.

They are asking for a minimum donation of £2.50 for adult visitors.