By the quiet waters of the River Chet, a stormy row is brewing.

The Broads Authority (BA) has ordered that two static caravans be removed from their waterside location at Loddon Marina, because they do not have the necessary planning permission and are not of a "high standard of design".

But the owner of the Marina, Raymond Hollocks, claims he is the victim of a "personal vendetta" from the Authority.

Mr Hollocks, who is engaged in a series of planning rows with the BA at other riverside spots, insists one of the caravans is exempt from the need for permission, because it has been in position for more than 20 years, and that the other "could be easily granted permission".

One of the static homes at Loddon Marina provides housing for the boatyard manager.

Eastern Daily Press: The two static homes at the Loddon Marina boatyard The two static homes at the Loddon Marina boatyard (Image: Bruno Brown)

Mr Hollocks claims that the other home - and statics at the other sites where he is in dispute with the BA - provide housing for homeless and vulnerable people, with whom he has tenancy agreements in place.

He is currently contesting separate enforcement actions relating to his nearby pub, the Beauchamp Arms, on the banks of the River Yare, and has also had rows with the organisation over another of his properties, the Berney Arms, the isolated pub which is further downstream, near to Breydon Water.

Eastern Daily Press: Raymond Hollocks believes the recent enforcement action against his two static homes at Loddon Marina are part of a personal vendetta against him due to a history of disputes with the Broads AuthorityRaymond Hollocks believes the recent enforcement action against his two static homes at Loddon Marina are part of a personal vendetta against him due to a history of disputes with the Broads Authority (Image: Newsquest)

The Broads Authority has dismissed his accusation that it is involved in a "personal vendetta" and pointed out a separate planning application at the Loddon Marina site was approved.

READ MORE: New twist in Broads pub caravan row as prosecution is withdrawn

Eastern Daily Press: Static caravans outside of the car park of the Beauchamp Arms pubStatic caravans outside of the car park of the Beauchamp Arms pub (Image: David Hannant)

A spokesman said: “The enforcement notice relates to two static caravans which are being used as permanent residential dwellings without planning permission on land at Loddon Marina.

"Permission could not be granted for this development as it is contrary to national and local planning policy.

"A recent planning application for a toilet and shower block for the campsite at the Loddon site was approved."