A man who threatened neighbours with a scaffolding pole and poured beer over a female police officer has been spared jail. 

Police were called after a domestic dispute involving Oliver Cleall, 39, spilled over into violent threats.

Norwich Magistrates Court was told neighbours on School Road in Reepham had become so alarmed about his behaviour that they attempted to intervene. 

But when one resident attempted to restrain him he wielded a large metal pole. He then poured a can of beer over the officer as he was arrested on August 11 last year.

Cleall pleaded guilty to making violent threats, possessing an offensive weapon and assaulting police.

David Foulks, mitigating, said the incident had been alcohol fuelled and that he had now taken steps to address his drinking.

Magistrates told him the offences were “passed the custody threshold”, but added “we are minded to go along with probation recommendations so you won’t go to prison”.

They imposed a 24 month community order including 120 day alcohol monitoring and 40 rehabilitation days.

He must also pay £100 compensation to the police officer.