A man had been using cupcake cases to help wrap class A drugs, a court has heard.

Scott Stephenson, 20, was found to be in possession of a "cupcake wrap containing white powder" by police at Lynnsport, King's Lynn on March 31 2021.

Eastern Daily Press: Cupcake cases were used to wrap cocaine

Jude Durr, prosecuting at Norwich Crown Court said a few days later, on April 3 2021 a warrant was executed at his home address during which a "number of cupcake cases he was using to wrap drugs" were found.

Also found was £4,000 in cash - £2,500 of which was found to have been the proceeds of drugs - as well as evidence of bulk text messages advertising the sale of drugs.

Stephenson, of Westmark, Lynn, appeared at court for sentence on Tuesday (March 2) having previously admitted being concerned in supply of cocaine between March 30 and April 3 2021.

He also admitted possession of criminal property, namely £2,500 in cash.

Giles Flaming, mitigating, said he pleaded guilty to the offences and had played a lesser role.

He said Stephenson had moved to Ireland for four months to remove himself from the associations he had made in the Lynn area.

Mr Fleming said since his arrest he had received a "great deal of support from his family" and has since grown up.

Judge Antony Bate imposed a sentence of 20 months detention in a young offenders institution (YOI) suspended for 18 months.

He was also ordered to do 25 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement (RAR) and 240 hours unpaid work.