Two men have been jailed for more than two years in connection with robberies and attempted robberies in Lowestoft.

Muhamadu Conte and Isaiah Lester have been jailed for a string of offences in the seaside town.

The first incident happened at 9pm on August 30 last year in a park off Raglan Street.

Two teenage boys were approached by two menwearing balaclavas who threatened them and searched their pockets, demanding their phones.

The boys offered their phones but the suspects were not happy with these and threatened injury if the boys didn’t give them a better phone.

One of the victims said he could give them an iPhone 7, which he had left at an address off Denmark Road and the group walked there together.

On the way, they were met by another teenage boy on a bicycle who had arranged to meet his friends.

His phone was also not accepted by the suspects.

Once the iPhone 7 was handed over, the suspects took the bicycle – a green Carrera Vengeance - from the third boy and rode away.

The second offence happened at 9.30pm that same evening.

The suspects rode into the Britten Centre on the stolen bicycle and approached a group of youths who were listening to music on a phone.

They demanded the phone, which has handed over but later dropped by the suspects.

At about the same time, another teenage boy was walking past the group and the suspects threatened him and demanded his phone.

He resisted and was punched to the head, causing him to drop his iPhone XR.

The boy ran from the scene, towards London Road North, briefly chased by one of the suspects.

Conte, 20, and Lester, 18, appeared before Ipswich Crown Court on Thursday, April 20.

Conte, of Lancaster Drive in the Borough of Havering, was sentenced to 35 months in jail.

Lester, of Cranberry Close in the Borough of Ealing, was sentenced to 31 months in prison.

He was also sentenced to 18 months imprisonment for unrelated drug offences, namely possession with intent to supply class A drugs and being in the concerned of the supply of class A drugs - which will be served consecutively - making a total sentence of 49 months.

Both men had previously pleaded guilty to three counts of robbery and two counts of attempted robbery.