A teenager accused of Norwich's clubland attack that left a man with serious brain injuries has denied he went out “looking for a fight”. 

Achilles Lawrence Gate’te is on trial with co-defendant Codie Marjoram accused of a “joint enterprise” following a series of violent incidents in the early hours of March 19 last year.

Eastern Daily Press: Police at the scene of the attack in St Vedast Street, just off Prince of Wales RoadPolice at the scene of the attack in St Vedast Street, just off Prince of Wales Road (Image: Newsquest)

Norwich Crown Court has heard one of those attacked by the pair, both aged 19, was David Constant who was punched to the ground following an altercation in St Vedast Street, just off Prince of Wales Road.

He left with “very severe and life-threatening” injuries and had to have part of his skull removed to relieve pressure on his brain. 

Giving evidence on Tuesday, Gate'te said he had been “absolutely gutted” when told of the severity of Mr Constant’s injuries.

Eastern Daily Press: Codie Marjoram who is also on trial at Norwich Crown Court accused of assaults in March last yearCodie Marjoram who is also on trial at Norwich Crown Court accused of assaults in March last year (Image: Newsquest)

“It wasn't a good feeling to know that possibly my or my friend’s actions had done so much damage to someone,” he said.

He told the jury it had been his co-defendant who had thrown the punch that floored Mr Constant and denied “going out looking for a fight”.

But cross examining, John Morgans, defending Marjoram, said he had “panicked” when he learnt of the serious injuries before a police interview. 

“The best you can do is to blame it on your friend, even though he is your friend,” he said.  

Eastern Daily Press: One victim was left with life-threatening brain injuries in the attackOne victim was left with life-threatening brain injuries in the attack (Image: Newsquest)

Questioned why had been seen “re-enacting” the attack on later nightclub CCTV footage, Gate’te replied: “I was showing how it looked from a spectator’s point of view”.

Gate'te, of Cunningham Road, Norwich, denies one count of causing grievous bodily harm and an offence of inflicting grievous bodily harm.

He has also denied five counts of assault by beating against five other victims.

Marjoram, of Calthorpe Road, Norwich, has denied one count of causing grievous bodily harm and one count of inflicting grievous bodily harm as well as denying assaulting three others.

The trial continues.