A section of pathway along Norfolk’s only canal will stay closed over Easter because of a “trail of destruction” left by dogs let off leads, landowners have announced.

An almost two-mile stretch of path between Ebridge and Swafield along the North Walsham and Dilham Canal has been closed since September 4 last year.

The Old Canal Company, which owns two-and-a-half miles of the canal, made the decision to temporarily close the path after dogs let off their leads by "disrespectful" owners caused damage to the canal and its banks.

READ MORE: Landowner closes path as message to 'disrespectful' dog owners

Landowners had also received complaints of dogs chasing wildlife, and mess left on the path and in bags discarded in hedges.

Further delays to the re-opening of the path have now been announced as work to repair the damage has been rescheduled because of recent wet weather, and the risk of flooding it caused.

A canal company spokesperson said: “A lot of damage has been done to the canal banks mainly due to dogs being let off leads, then left to wander alongside the canal.

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“Some major repairs have to be made where dogs have made several attempts to climb back up the banks, not only leaving a trail of destruction along the banks in parts which have fallen back into the canal itself - which will have to be built up again to avoid possible flooding of the area - but also damage that has been made to the habitats of voles and other vertebrates along the canal banks.”

New gates and signage reminding owners that dogs must be kept on leads are being installed along the canal.

“This will also limit possible injuries and accidents to other users of the canal, especially to the elderly, where dogs are left wandering,” the Old Canal Company added.