An ambitious project in memory of the 72 victims of London's Grenfell Tower tragedy has arrived in Norwich.

Tuesday Greenidge, an ‘artivist’ whose daughter escaped from the fire, has been assisted by an army of sewists internationally to produce a quilted textile piece. 

The ongoing project is on display in St Peter Mancroft Church in the city centre as an installation forming part of The Norfolk Makers Festival.

Eastern Daily Press: The Grenfell Memorial Quilt is at St Peter Mancroft Church in Norwich this weekThe Grenfell Memorial Quilt is at St Peter Mancroft Church in Norwich this week (Image: Emily-Rose Thompson)

The aim is for the quilt to be finished by 2027 and to be the width and height of Grenfell Tower - 220ft tall and 72ft wide - to mark the 10th anniversary of the disaster. 

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Ms Greenidge explains: "GMQ (Grenfell Memorial Quilt) Community Projects' chief aim is to provide an outlet for the emotions of those affected by the Grenfell Tower tragedy, to create a sense of community and support resulting in a life-affirming, humane tribute."

Eastern Daily Press: The Grenfell Memorial Quilt is at St Peter Mancroft Church in Norwich this weekThe Grenfell Memorial Quilt is at St Peter Mancroft Church in Norwich this week (Image: Emily-Rose Thompson)

Since the Grenfell Tower fire, changes were implemented in January 2023, including the legal duty of landlords and owners of high-rise flats to provide information about the building structure to fire chiefs. 

The project is on display until Thursday, March 30.

Eastern Daily Press: The 'artivist' behind the Grenfell Memorial Quilt project, Tuesday GreenidgeThe 'artivist' behind the Grenfell Memorial Quilt project, Tuesday Greenidge (Image: PA Wire)