A jury panel has been sworn in to try the case of two teenagers accused of an assault in the heart of Norwich's clubland, which left a man fighting for his life in hospital.

Codie Marjoram, 19, and Achilles Lawrence Gate'te, also 19, were both subsequently charged with assault occassioning grievous bodily harm against one victim and a series of assaults against others in the area at the time.

It was after police were called to St Vedast Street, off Prince of Wales Road, shortly before 2.30am on March 19 last year after reports a man in his 20s was assaulted.

Eastern Daily Press:

He was taken to the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital before being transferred to Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge where he remained with "life-threatening injuries" for several weeks.

Marjoram, of Calthorpe Road, Norwich, has denied one count of causing grievous bodily harm and one count of inflicting grievous bodily harm against one victim on March 19 last year.

He has also denied assault by beating against three other victims on the same date.

Gate'te, from Cunningham Road, Norwich, has also denied one count of causing grievous bodily harm and one count of inflicting grievous bodily harm against one victim on March 19 last year.

He has also denied five counts of assault by beating against five other victims on the same date.

A jury panel of 10 women and four men were sworn in to try the case on Monday (March 20).

Judge Andrew Shaw sent the jury panel away with the case due to be opened before him and jurors at the crown court on Tuesday (March 21).

Will Carter appeared for the prosecution.

Jonathan Goodman appeared for Gate’te and John Morgans for Marjoram.

The trial is expected to last about three weeks.