Plans for mini nuclear reactors have been criticised by senior Norfolk political figures, who argue it will fail to address energy issues.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt unveiled plans to increase nuclear power in the UK, including mini power plants in Wednesday's budget.

But Green and Labour councillors have argued the plans fail to focus on the right area.

Mr Hunt did not reveal where they could be built but Norfolk Conservative county councillor Graham Plant has previously pushed for them to be introduced here.

The Green group's Jamie Osborn said: “I would like to have seen much more investment in energy efficiency measures in housing, it is the best way to reduce energy bills permanently. 

“Nuclear will be expensive and will take decades for them to come on stream. If we invest in renewables and insulation that will help bring bills down."

Steve Morphew, the Labour group leader said: “It seems like they are out to court controversy

“It’s bound to be unpopular and ages will be spent sorting it out while we have endless space for offshore. 

“We need offshore and onshore wind with a link to the local grid - it is a practical clean solution."