A vital support service that helps hundreds of local families could be on the brink of collapse - despite it seeing a 91pc boom in demand.

Home-Start Norfolk, an independent charity based in Swaffham, provides advice and support to families with children under five to ensure youngsters get the best possible start in life. 

But with a three-year contract to provide outreach services coming to an end this month, its annual revenue is set to plummet, leaving bosses fearing for the charity's future.

Eastern Daily Press: Helen Brown, of Home-Start Norfolk. Picture: Home-Start NorfolkHelen Brown, of Home-Start Norfolk. Picture: Home-Start Norfolk (Image: Home-Start Norfolk)

It comes at a time when demand for its help is at an all-time high, with referrals increasing by more than 90pc in the past year.

The charity has already seen its chief executive, Daniel Williams, resign from his post to free up his salary and workers have seen their hours slashed.

Helen Brown, development manager at Home-Start Norfolk, said she feared the charity may struggle to see out the year unless it can find new funding.

She said: "We just can not keep up with the number of referrals we are receiving.

"If nothing comes in to replace the contract that is coming to an end we will seriously have to consider winding things down."

The charity has already had to make around £100,000 in cuts and is having to increasingly rely on its team of 130 volunteers to support its families.

Recent years have seen its support become even more vital to the region following the closure of all but a few of Norfolk's children's centres.

And recent months have seen the charity support families who have missed out on health visits.

But Ms Brown added: "The whole idea of our services is to give children the best start to lives - but our situation is really getting quite serious.

"We get amazing feedback from the families we help and build really strong relationships with them - if that was to go it would be heartbreaking."