A mobile food shop supporting people with the cost-of-living crisis is getting back on the road.

Breckland Council said the Mobile Food Store would be back on the road next week and touring rural communities.

The original bus suffered a breakdown, but an interim replacement vehicle has now been secured, offering healthy, nutritious food and store cupboard staples at a reduced price.

The Breckland Mobile Food Store is funded by Breckland Council and Norfolk Community Foundation and run by local charity Kickstart Norfolk.

Eastern Daily Press: The Breckland Mobile Food Store is funded by Breckland Council and Norfolk Community Foundation and run by local charity Kickstart Norfolk.The Breckland Mobile Food Store is funded by Breckland Council and Norfolk Community Foundation and run by local charity Kickstart Norfolk. (Image: Breckland Council)

This joint project forms part of Norfolk Community Foundation's Nourishing Norfolk Network, helping to establish a number of food hubs across the county, including the Breckland Mobile Food Store.

Alison Webb, executive member for health and communities at Breckland Council, said: “Our partners, Kickstart in Dereham, and the Breckland Council Inspiring Communities team have been working incredibly hard to relaunch the Breckland Mobile Food Bus Service.

“Not only will the interim service provide access to healthy and affordable food, but will also continue to offer support and advice to help tackle issues such as loneliness and mental health.

Eastern Daily Press: Alison Webb, executive member for health and communities at Breckland CouncilAlison Webb, executive member for health and communities at Breckland Council (Image: Gary Donnison Photography 2021)

“We hope people will make use of it - not just to buy food, but to get advice and guidance from the expert staff.”

The service also provides expert staff trained to offer wider support such as advice on debt management, isolation, loneliness and mental health, and will signpost customers to a range of services that can offer further help, where needed.

It will also use community venues linked to the warm spaces hub, ensuring residents can not only receive their shopping but also access a warm, safe space and can talk in confidence to staff.

To use the store residents will need a membership, which is a one-off payment of £3 per household

The timetable for the food bus can be found at www.breckland.gov.uk/BMFS.