Three bags containing 449 illegal vapes have been seized from a shop in King's Lynn.

It followed reports that non-UK-regulated vapes were being sold to children.

King's Lynn police worked with trading standards and visited a shop in the town on Friday February 17.

Margaret Dewsbury, Norfolk County Council's cabinet member for communities and partnerships, said: “This has seen dangerous products removed from sale and warnings given to the business about selling illegal products.

"We seized 449 illegal vapes, which is a significant quantity, and I welcome this work by officers.”

Gary Champion, Green Party councillor for Sewell Ward in Norwich, is concerned about the age group of the people using the vapes.

He said: “They are designed to appeal to children with bright packaging.” 

Despite the legal age to buy a vape being 18, Mr Champion said: “Alarmingly the NHS has estimated that 10pc of 11 to 15-year-olds are using vapes." 

People are advised to check the strength of the product, and that they have a UK address on the packaging.

Vapes containing more than the legal level of nicotine can cause harm.