The Met Office has warned that a “major weather event” which brought the Beast from the East to Norfolk is “now likely to take place” in the coming weeks. 

In 2018, a major Sudden Stratospheric Warming brought the Beast from the East to the county and saw 400 schools close, a rare thundersnow hit Great Yarmouth and public transport cancelled.

The forecaster has said a major SSW is “now likely” in late February or early March but stressed this does not always equate to a Beast from the East-like weather scenario.

But a long-form weather forecast from AccuWeather is now showing wintry showers and freezing temperatures in Norfolk over the next few weeks, with lows of -1C. 

Eastern Daily Press: Norfolk County Council says it has enough grit to get through the rest of the winterNorfolk County Council says it has enough grit to get through the rest of the winter (Image: Library)

The Met Office has said: “The latest forecasts are showing that a major SSW is now likely to take place.

“The recent minor SSW weakened the Stratospheric Polar Vortex and it’s now likely to collapse and reverse in the middle of February.”

Norfolk County Council has been preparing for the potential weather phenomenon by monitoring weather forecasts and checking its grit stocks.

Eastern Daily Press: Attleborough during a smaller Beast from the East in 2019Attleborough during a smaller Beast from the East in 2019 (Image: Archant)

A spokesman for Norfolk County Council added: "Stocks of grit are prepared in advance of winter with new orders placed regularly to replenish what is used.

"We continue to monitor the weather forecasts on a daily basis and have a well-practiced winter service plan to deal with severe winter conditions."

Last year, the county council spent £2.6m to grit the 2,200 miles of A, B and some C roads the authority is responsible for.