New figures show people are spending longer on Norwich’s housing list, with the wait for people to move into empty homes trebling.

The delay before empty council houses are re-let - a period known as 'voids' - is now longer that at any point in the last two years. 

The latest data from Norwich City Council (NCC) shows the average time it took to get a new tenant into a home rocketed to 95 days - three months - between July and September.

At the beginning of 2021, it was just 26 days. 

NCC insists it is working to get homes available for new tenants as quickly as possible. 

However, the council is having to work through a backlog of repairs following a scandal that meant safety checks were not properly carried out at hundreds of council properties. 

In October, around 238 council homes were left sitting empty in the city, while 3,400 people are waiting for one to become available. 

Eastern Daily Press: Sandra BogeleinSandra Bogelein (Image: Green Party)

Sandra Bogelein, the Green party councillor for Mancroft, has said she was shocked to see increasing delays at a time when there is more need than ever before.  

“In October, the portfolio holder for social housing said that getting these re-let times down was a top priority and good progress was being made,” she said.   

“Now the delay has almost doubled again.

"The Labour council needs to make empty homes available much quicker.” 

A spokesman for NCC said the authority was making “good progress” on tackling the backlog but it continues to experience delays. 

He said: “However, our efforts to improve turnaround times has meant the number of properties being offered to tenants now exceeds the number becoming vacant – meaning less and less properties will be empty as new residents move in. We are working hard to maintain this positive progress.”