A leisure centre swimming pool is set to be heated by new solar panels being installed in its car park.

Plans to put up the panels at the Reef Leisure Centre in Sheringham have been given the go-ahead by North Norfolk District Council (NNDC).

A planning official said the items will be mounted on steel beams, with car parking remaining underneath.

Addressing NNDC's development committee, he said: “It is not considered that these are particularly beautiful proposals but they do significantly align with the council’s climate emergency policy and green aims.

“It’s a very important issue we should be getting to grips with as best as possible.

“There’s no guarantee this will always fully offset and provide for all of the Reef's energy.

"It will depend on the weather conditions at the time and the demand that the Reef is putting through the system."

Councillors unanimously approved the scheme on Thursday.

Councillor Harry Blatwayt described it as a "brilliant scheme" which he would like to see in every supermarket car park.