The daughter of a pensioner who was arrested over the death of his wife pleaded with her dad not to kill himself. 

David Hunter, 75, who has family in Norwich, was charged over the death of his wife Janice, 74, after she died in December 2021 at their retirement home in the town of Paphos. 

After suffocating his wife Hunter tried to take his own life. 

Before doing so Hunter phoned his brother William in the UK and admitted what he had done. 

William then phoned the police who travelled to Ms Hunter's home where officers asked her to call her father. 

Video footage of a call between Hunter and his daughter was played at a hearing in Paphos assize court. 

In the video, Ms Hunter can be heard saying: "You cannot leave me. Daddy, just concentrate on me, forget about everybody else and concentrate.

"Daddy you love me, you know you do, I’m your girl. I’m your little girl daddy. I remember how you walked me down the aisle and you said I was beautiful. We do not care what you have done. We just want you safe."

A police officer asked Hunter if he had taken any substances but he did not respond. 

According to the Daily Mail when speaking outside the court Hunter said: "I never would have killed her in a million years. She didn’t ask me, she begged me.

"The last five weeks she was begging me. She didn’t resist. Because of the cancer she couldn’t even lift her hands."

The case was adjourned until next Thursday.