The dialect of our fine county is one heard booming from afar, passed down through generations.

Broad Norfolk is one of the few remaining regional dialects still heard today. 

Here are some of the much-loved and often-heard Norfolk phrases we know and love.

1. Rummen

"Thas a rummen."

This can be a person or object. Described as a funny, odd sort of country folk.

2. Mardle

"We've been having a mardle."

Having a chat or gossip. 

3. Troshing

"You just keep a troshing boy."

To keep on going or to keep working hard.

4. Bishy barnabee

"Loads of bishy barnabees flying about today."

A ladybird.

5. On the huh

"That table is on the huh."

On the wonk, or not straight.

6. Ar yer orrite bor?

"Ar yer orrite bor you look a bit down?"

Are you alright?

7. Shoe

"He shoe me how to do it."

Abbreviation of showed.

8. Slow you down

"Would you slow you down, you're going too fast!"

To decrease in speed.

9. Hint

"I hint got that."

I haven't got that. 

10. Ha ya got a loight buh

"I'm having a smoke, ha ya got a loight buh?"

Have you got a lighter?

11. Shink

"Eye shink sew."

I should think so.

12. That’ll learn ya!

"That'll learn ya buh!"

That will teach you a lesson.

13. Gorn up

"Gorn up city tomorrow if you want to come"

Going into the city/going into Norwich.

14. Cor blast

"Cor blast it's cold outside"

A verbal exclamation of expressing something dramatic. 

15. Hent ye

"You have one of those hent ya"

Haven't you.