A super slimmer has revealed he was motivated to lose weight after being shocked by his size while reviewing CCTV footage from his workplace.  

Jordan Barrett has shed a staggering 10 stone in 10 months, dropping from 24st 12lbs to 14st 10lbs.

He is now just a few pounds from reaching his target weight. 

Reflecting on his weight loss journey, Mr Barrett said he had previously tried to slim down but found it difficult to stay motivated for long periods of time.

Eastern Daily Press: Jordan Barrett, from Dereham, lost 10 stone after joining Slimming WorldJordan Barrett, from Dereham, lost 10 stone after joining Slimming World (Image: Jordan Barrett)

The 31-year-old, who lives in Dereham, also found others could be judgemental and would not understand his struggles. 

However, it was only after watching CCTV footage from his workplace that Mr Barrett realised how overweight he was - and decided it was time to truly turn his life around. 

"I was shocked at how big I was," he said.

"With a young family, I didn't want them to lose their dad too early."

Mr Barrett's weight was having a serious impact on his energy levels, often leading to him "crashing" after work.

But equally as significant was his declining mental health, as he suffered from low moods on a regular basis. 

Eastern Daily Press: Jordan Barrett lost 10 stone in 10 monthsJordan Barrett lost 10 stone in 10 months (Image: Jordan Barrett/Slimming World)

Having previously been to a Slimming World meeting, Mr Barrett contacted his local consultant, Louise, and was instantly filled with confidence. 

"There was never any judgement with Louise," he added. "It felt like she just welcomed me back with open arms."

Mr Barrett joined the group following a referral through Norfolk County Council and quickly started losing weight.

"My group have been such an important part of my journey," he said.

"When I first went along I didn’t speak. It felt completely overwhelming but, as I gained confidence, something just clicked.

"One week I decided I wanted to talk and now you can't shut me up."

Eastern Daily Press: A much happier Jordan Barrett pictured after losing 10 stone in 10 monthsA much happier Jordan Barrett pictured after losing 10 stone in 10 months (Image: Jordan Barrett/Slimming World)Mr Barrett added: "I have learned so much about myself as a slimmer.

"I know my triggers, like when my daughter leaves her crusts from her toast; how important a plan for every meal is; and how my home deliveries of groceries mean I have everything I need so I don’t stray from that plan.

"Every bit of what I have learned has helped and my group are like a second family to me. I really couldn’t have done it without them and my Slimming World consultant."

How did he shed the weight? 

Mr Barrett followed a Slimming World healthy eating plan which encourages members to satisfy their appetite with healthy foods like pasta, rice, potatoes, lean meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. 

Among the most important changes were: 

  • Ditching sauces from the jar and creating his own instead
  • When eating out, choose lean meat, swap chips for jacket potatoes or add a side salad
  • Drinking sparkling water or diet fizzy drinks instead of full-fat versions
  • When eating Indian takeaways, choose dishes not cooked in oil

In a bid to introduce physical activity into his routine, Mr Barrett bought an exercise bike which he initially used for 10 minutes every other day.

He now loves using it so much that he cycles for 30 to 40 minutes every day, and now also has the confidence to go swimming with his children. 

"I never would have done that before," added Mr Barrett

"I was always telling my kids 'no' and encouraging them to ask their mum, but now I can throw myself in."