A man who subjected a woman to a horrifying catalogue of cruelty has been jailed after initially being given a suspended sentence.

Michael Egan, now 77, from Great Yarmouth, told the victim her mother didn’t love her, forced her to take cold showers and threw cold water over her when she was in bed. 

He also kicked her repeatedly in the ribs and burnt her with a lit cigarette.

Egan abused the woman over 30 years ago in Great Yarmouth when he was aged between 42 and 47 and she was a child. 

He was found guilty of child cruelty and assault. 

On October 17, he was sentenced to 24 months’ imprisonment suspended for 24 months and ordered to pay £1,000 costs.

Following the sentencing at Norwich Crown Court, it was referred to the Court of Appeal under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme for being too low.  

On Wednesday, December 21, the court found his original sentence to be unduly lenient and increased it to four years’ imprisonment.

Egan had previously been convicted of wounding the child by throwing a cup at her face.

Speaking after the hearing, the Solicitor General Michael Tomlinson KC MP said: “Egan’s cruel and unspeakable physical and mental abuse have left a significant and lasting impact on his victim’s life.

“Child cruelty is never acceptable so I welcome this increased sentence showing that those that commit such cowardly crimes will face significant punishment as a result.”

Recorder John Hardy KC told Egan his "conduct was deplorable and sadistic against an innocent and defenceless little girl".

The judge said: "She has been believed and displayed great bravery.

"What strikes me is the contrast between her courage and the utter cowardice displayed by you."