What animals would you expect to see on a trip to Blakeney Point? Seals? Gulls? What about an otter?

The National Trust has shared the rare image of one of the semi-aquatic, carnivorous mammals scampering across the sand on December 16.

Rangers said they had seen otter tracks before at Blakeney Point, but this was the first sighting of one at the beauty spot, which is far better known for its seasonal population of grey seals.

A National Trust spokesperson said: “Although their presence on Blakeney Point during the spring might be a slight concern for us, as they could pose a threat to the tern colony. Reports of them to date on Blakeney Point are extremely rare.”

Otters are one of the UK’s conservation success stories of recent years.

The animal nearly became extinct in some areas between the 1950s and 1970s, but thanks mainly to efforts to improve water quality and increased protection, they can now be found across the UK.