A tenacious and inspirational farming leader has been honoured for her "extraordinary contribution" to the pig industry.

Dr Zoe Leach was presented with the David Black Award by farming minister Mark Spencer at the National Pig Awards, held in London on November 22.

The prize is awarded to individuals or organisations making an outstanding impact on the British pig sector.

Dr Leach, who is now the East Anglia regional director for the National Farmers' Union, was previously chief executive of the National Pig Association (NPA) until July this year.

During eight years at the helm of the organisation, awards organisers said she "led from the front on every major issue affecting the pig industry over the last decade".

"In the last two years, Zoe has led the industry through one of the most challenging periods it has ever faced," they said. "Due to her unrivalled expertise and tenacity, she was continually able to shape government policy, face down threats to the industry and give NPA’s members the strongest possible voice in every forum."

Dr Leach previously spent three years as farms and trials manager for pork producer BQP, which included running a pig farm in Suffolk, and she was also a senior scientific officer for Defra, leading its livestock science unit.

Mike Sheldon, chairman of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board's pork sector council, said she was "an extremely worthy winner" of the award.

"Whether it was welfare, environment, disease, trade or any of the other range of issues that might impact the industry, Zoe was at the forefront and gave NPA members a strong voice," he said.

“Zoe also recognised the importance of nurturing young farmers within the industry and developed the Young NPA group.

"She received numerous nominations for the David Black award, and her extraordinary contribution is justly recognised with this accolade.”

Dr Leach said she was "deeply moved" to be added to the list of award winners, adding: “To join this impressive list, which contains many people that I admire greatly, means so much, especially as I only ever considered that I was simply doing my best for an industry that I love.”