An MP has called on the government to do more to support fishing communities on the region's coasts - and pressed for confirmation a management plan for bass fishing will also apply to EU vessels.

Peter Aldous, Conservative MP and chair of community interest group the Renaissance of East Anglian Fisheries, tabled a question over how the government is helping in the House of Commons.

Mark Spencer, minister of state for food, said the government was providing £32.7m a year to support the seafood sector.

And he said: "In addition to that, £100m is being provided through the UK’s seafood fund to support the long-term future and sustainability of the industry, helping to bring economic growth to coastal communities and supporting levelling up."

Mr Aldous went on to say that he welcomed how the Cabinet Office was talking to people in the fishing industry over the production of a bass fisheries management plan.

But he pushed for confirmation from Mr Spencer that the plan would accord with the post-Brexit EU trade and co-operation agreement, and would apply to EU vessels.

Mr Spencer said: "The fisheries management plan will apply to all vessels fishing in these waters, and the Fisheries Act 2020 requires consultation with all interested persons."