The shop of one of East Anglian’s best-known breweries has gifted a tree as part of Holt's legacy to the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

An oak tree, donated by the town's Adnams store in White Lion Street, is to be planted on Spout Hills in November, and will form part of the Queen’s Green Canopy, an initiative to a 'living legacy' of the jubilee.

Dr Andy Wood, Adnams' chief executive, said: "This oak tree will mark her late majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022, which invites everyone across the UK to plant trees.

“This is one of many trees that have been planted across UK during this special year and will create a fitting green legacy that benefits people, wildlife and climate now and for the future."

Spout Hills on Letheringsett Hill, Holt, is a 16-acre area of common land owned by Holt Town Council and cared for by a group of volunteers.