Changes to one of the city's busiest roads have been announced by the county council.

The proposed scheme would affect two junctions and a roundabout on Newmarket Road, a key route to the southwest of Norwich.

It is part of the multi-million pound Transport for Norwich scheme.

Near Lime Tree Road and Christchurch Road there would be the widening of the pedestrian crossing, the cycle lane and the pavement, the removal of central islands and bus stops, a new push button crossing and bollards, and a new link for cycle access.

At the junction with Leopold Road and Eaton Road there would be a widening of the pedestrian crossing, the removal of central islands, a new push button crossing, double yellow lines and a new Beryl bike bay.

The Daniels Road roundabout would get a new shared pavement, pavement widening on the southwest corner and a kerb realignment to improve the bus route.

Liberal Democrat county councillor Brian Watkins, who represents Eaton division, said: "It is vital that the traffic lights at Eaton Road and Leopold Road are retained because this is what the vast majority of people in the area want to see.

"I welcome the plan to widen the crossing on Newmarket Road which will be particularly beneficial for the hundreds of school children who use the route each weekday. 

"The shared push button crossing at the Eaton Road junction is also a good idea and will help to improve safety for both pedestrians and cyclists at this point.’’

The county council is asking for the public to have their say on the plans. People can comment on the council's website until December 1.

Labour county councillor Emma Corlett, who represents the Town Close division, said: "I would urge local residents and all pedestrians and cyclists who use this route to take part in the consultation.

"This area is a key route for young people accessing local high schools and the college, so I would particularly urge them to respond as too often the voice of young people doesn’t get heard.

"I am pleased to see that after previous campaigns by local residents and Town Close councillors that the traffic light signals at the Christchurch Road and Lime Tree Road junctions are to be retained.”