After being inspired by the kindness of his late brother, a Fakenham man has been laying the foundations for a new community hub in the town. 

Vic Gerrard is setting up the Fakenham Community Shed in an attempt to create a place for townsfolk to get together for the sake of wellbeing.

That might involve meeting for a coffee and a chat, knitting, or trying woodwork, metalwork and other crafts.

Eastern Daily Press: The shed is to be homed at Pinewise of Fakenham - The concrete base being laid by volunteers The shed is to be homed at Pinewise of Fakenham - The concrete base being laid by volunteers (Image: Vic Gerrard)

Mr Gerrard was inspired by his late brother, Roy, who died just before Christmas last year. He set up three hubs for blind people in Luton.

"I thought if he can do it, so can l," he said. 

"I’m sure when this project is up and running I’ll be very proud, but I could not have gotten this far without the help of [community shed members] Maarten Von Ziegenweidt and Mick Bovington. They have been magnificent."

The shed will be based at Pinewise of Fakenham in Dereham Road, Pudding Norton, which offered the group a space on its premises. 

On Friday, November 4, the concrete base was laid with help from Shaun and Joe Wiseman from Pinewise. 

Eastern Daily Press: Vic Gerrard, a volunteer who has helped the Fakenham community shed become a realityVic Gerrard, a volunteer who has helped the Fakenham community shed become a reality (Image: Vic Gerrard)

Now, Mr Gerrard hopes the shed will be built by mid-December. 

The 76-year-old added: "I hope the shed will provide an opportunity for people of all ages, male and female - for the sake of their mental and physical wellbeing - to communicate, construct, recycle, take up hobbies or just come for a chat and a coffee."

So far, the group has been donated some woodworking machines and benches by the local community but is in need of all the help it can get from local businesses and members of the public. 

They would be especially grateful for tools and materials, and a portable building in reasonable condition. 

The building would serve as a back-up if the group cannot source a suitable structure or materials for their own build. 

Moreover, the community shed currently has a committee of three members, but would like to bring more people on board - namely a secretary, secretary assistant and vice chairman. 

To join the group or find out more, visit or Fakenham Community Shed on Facebook.

Those who don’t have internet access can call 01328 855159.