A slow and long-lasting meteor shower is peaking this weekend.

Active between October 20 and December 10, the Taurids shower will peak on November 12 and 13.

The meteors are characterised by being very slow due to the comet stream being spread out.

At their peak between midnight and dawn, there will be around five meteors per hour.

The constellation that Taurids originates in is Taurus, hence the name.

They are also called Halloween fireballs due to the time of year.

This shower is associated with Comet Encke and Asteroid 2004 TG, it has both a northern and southern component.

North and South Taurids are fragments of the same debris cloud and are similar in density.

Viewers should make sure to turn off phones and torches 15 minutes before beginning to allow their eyes to adjust.

The moon is between being full and its last quarter which may decrease visibility.

If you get a photo of the meteor shower, we'd love to see it. Send your pictures to grace.piercy@archant.co.uk.