The DNA of a woman accused of fatally stabbing another woman was found on the blood covered knife used to kill her, a court has heard.

Dace Kalkerte, 50, suffered a total of 25 wounds in an attack at her flat in Highgate, off Gaywood Road, in King's Lynn on April 15 this year.

Eastern Daily Press: Police on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace KalkertePolice on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace Kalkerte (Image: Archant)

She died the following day at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

King’s Lynn Crown Court has heard Ms Kalkerte had been found in the hallway of the flat while a large knife covered in blood was found on the kitchen floor.

Birute Klicneliene, 50, is accused of her murder in what prosecutors claim was an “explosion of anger and murderous violence”.

In transcripts of police interviews after she was arrested, which were read out in court on Thursday, she told detectives she had been “really drunk” when she went with Ms Kalkerte back to her Highgate home at about 10.15pm.

Eastern Daily Press: Police on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace KalkertePolice on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace Kalkerte (Image: Sarah Hussain)

She said she had fallen asleep after Ms Kalkerte, who she had only met for the first time hours earlier, had put her in a comfortable position.

But when she woke she had found Ms Kalkerte in the floor in the hallway facing the front door.

She said: “I thought she was asleep and was making a noise like she was loudly snoring.

“I thought she was drunk and had fallen over.”

Eastern Daily Press: Police on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace KalkertePolice on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace Kalkerte (Image: Chris Bishop)

Klicneliene, who is originally from Lithuania, also told police she "hugged" the victim and "pulled a knife out of her body" though she later contradicted this.

She also claimed to have seen a blond haired or bald man running away from the area.

Earlier Jessica Adby, a forensic science expert on complex DNA and blood pattern analysis, told the court Ms Kalkerte had probably been attacked in the kitchen.

Appliances were spattered with blood, including a damaged kettle that may have also been used in the attack.

Eastern Daily Press: Police on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace KalkertePolice on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace Kalkerte (Image: Chris BIshop)

Blood smears on the bathroom door and around the bath suggested someone had attempted to clean themselves up, Ms Adby added.

A T-shirt and leggings worn by Klicneliene were also covered in blood.

Analysis of DNA on the knife found it was one in a billion times more likely to belong to Klicneliene than to an unknown person.

Klicneliene, of Sir Lewis Street, Lynn, has denied murder.

The trial continues.